Leader-Based Multi-Scale Attention Deep Architecture for Person Re-Identification

Fudan University, China     University of Surrey, United Kingdom


Person re-identification (re-id) aims to match people across non-overlapping camera views in a public space. This is a challenging problem because the people captured in surveillance videos often wear similar clothing. Consequently, the differences in their appearance are typically subtle and only detectable at particular locations and scales. In this paper, we propose a deep re-id network (MuDeep) that is composed of two novel types of layers – a multi-scale deep learning layer, and a leader-based attention learning layer. Specifically, the former learns deep discriminative feature representations at different scales, while the latter utilizes the information from multiple scales to lead and determine the optimal weightings for each scale. The importance of different spatial locations for extracting discriminative features is learned explicitly via our leader-based attention learning layer. Extensive experiments are carried out to demonstrate that the proposed MuDeep outperforms the state-of-the-art on a number of benchmarks and has a better generalization ability under a domain generalization setting.


Computing multi-scale features is crucial for re-id and motivates our approach. In (a), to distinguish between two people wearing similar clothing, global visual cues such as body shape and clothing color are insufficient. Visual cues from local parts such as shoes and hairstyle are needed for telling them apart. Motivated by this observation, our MuDeep, as shown in (b), learns discriminative features at different spatial scales and locations (indicated by the red dashed boxes)


A novel multi-scale representation learning architecture is proposed for learning discriminative person appearance features at multiple spatial scales and locations. Critically, the multiple scales refer to different resolution levels of filters, rather than multiscale inputs. And a leader-based attention learning layer can utilize the information computed at all scales to lead, and dynamically determines the important spatial locations in the feature extraction at each scale.

MuDeep Framework

The multi-scale stream layer first analyzes feature maps with multiple scales. Then the leader-based attention learning layer is followed to automatically discover and emphasize important spatial locations. Finally, the global and local branch layer is utilized to extract discriminate features from global and local parts. Note that the parameters of each scale are not shared. ‘LAL’ means the Leader-based Attention Learning layer.

Paper and code

Leader-Based Multi-Scale Attention Deep Architecture for Person Re-Identification

Xuelin Qian*, Yanwei Fu*, Tao Xiang, Yu-Gang Jiang, Xiangyang Xue

[Paper] [Bibtex] [GitHub]



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